“MESTENGO”. Wild Horses Documentary Film by Sonya Richins. Watch a preview video of this beautiful, eye-opening documentary on the plight of the American mustang on http://savethewildmustangs.com/mestengo-documentary/
“SAVING AMERICA’S WILD HORSES - A NATION BETRAYED” at http://www.savingamericashorses.org/
“The film takes a look at economic and pollution history associated with the past operation of horse slaughter plants in the US; and also briefly explores the lethal health risks to humans as associated with the consumption of known toxic substances that are administered to US horses on a regular basis…This film takes you on a compassionate journey into the hidden world of horses. We meet three horses; two former athletes… champion and loyal racehorses, and a wild horse that was once free to roam the open prairies. The stories about these majestic horses take us across the dramatic backdrops of America’s beautiful countryside and into the secret world where bidding circles change their lives forever. You will fall in love with these horses and come away rooting for the world to respect them. The spirit of the horse is captured through the voice of America’s 1st Nations people. Expert testimony as presented by the nation’s top equine experts reveal the truth about what happening to America’s horses and also offers some viable solutions and alternatives. (R.T. Fitch 4/5/11)”
More to come soon…